Expedition Education

Explore. Experience. Excite

Amanda Akers

Amanda Akers

La Presidente

Amanda has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Texas Tech University in Sociology as well as a Master’s in Public Affairs from the LBJ School at UT Austin. From her excessive education and research into how to save the world, Amanda realized it always comes back to education. Since then, she has designed curriculum, written grants, analyzed education policy, and spent over 10 years in the classroom as a bilingual elementary teacher. Amanda’s job at Expedition Ed is to come up with the hair-brained schemes and turn them into reality (she’s R&D and logistics).

Russell Baker

Russell Baker

El Jefe

Russell is a bilingual special education teacher with certifications in general elementary education, secondary Social Studies, and secondary Spanish. With a master’s degree in Spanish Languages and Literature from Texas Tech, he has taught classes from 3rd grade through college. He’s also a certified lifeguard who can identify edible local plants, fix almost anything that’s broken, recite historical details, and talk at length about politics and international affairs. Russell is our life-saving, bus-driving, science-loving, kid-managing hero.

Our Story

Expedition Education Founders Amanda Akers and Russell Baker are life-long educators who bring a world of experience to their company. Married since 1994, they’ve lived in Mexico, Spain, and the Russian Far East where they worked as Peace Corps volunteers teaching at the university level. They’ve traveled to France, Belgium, Italy, Vietnam, China, and South Korea. Just finishing 2 years of teaching and traveling in Brazil, they are more convinced than ever that education and adventure make perfect partners.

Expedition Education is the culmination of their beliefs that…

  • learning requires movement and active participation
  • the road to knowledge and wisdom begins with a powerful sense of wonder
  • the most important thing we can give our children is a hunger for discovery

Our Team

José Leal

José Leal

Expedition Leader and Musical Director

Jose is a phenomenal percussionist and certified music teacher from Salvador, Brazil. When not playing with his band Morena Dub all over the world, Jose is inspiring the next generation of musicians to find human connections and beauty through music. We’re thrilled that he volunteers some of his precious downtime to inspire our Go Global campers.

Luana Pereira

Luana Pereira

Expedition Leader and Athletic Director

Luana is our multi-talented athletic director. A world-class soccer player, coach, and certified teacher, Luana volunteers her time to keep our Go Global expeditions running smoothly (both literally and figuratively). With education degrees from both the U.S. and Brazil, we’re lucky to have her on our team.

Fernando Souza

Fernando Souza

Website Manager and Technology Director

Fernando is a certified ESL teacher, with vast experience in the digital world, working as an e-Learning designer for local  and international schools and NGOs. Fernando’s unique combination of skills and talents is a perfect fit for Expedition Ed’s tech side.



Camp Counselor and Jr. Lifeguard

Expedition Ed is a family affair and Lucas does his part keeping an eye on everyone as a Camp Counselor. We’re also thrilled that he’ll be getting his lifeguard certification this spring!



ELL Teaching Assistant

Jesse’s along for the fun during all our camps. But during the winter, he works to film videos for the English Language Learners over at ExpeditionEdLearning.com



Social Media / Communications Intern

Zia is our social media / communications intern. She makes sure we’re keeping everyone updated and informed via a variety of social media platforms.